As working moms, it’s difficult to insert time for hobbies, self-care activities, or even a therapy session in our already-filled calendar.
But as working moms, our mental health is also a priority. It’s not something we can push aside.
I want to take a moment and share with you something that I do to help maintain my mental health.
Take a moment each day to be present, to scan your body, and to just breathe.
That is practicing mindfulness.
I know that sounds like maybe a little mystical or abstract, but it’s not. It’s really just about taking a moment to be where you are.
If you put mindfulness in your calendar, but you try to push it aside for other tasks, you’re just like me! But the moment I do it, I always feel better.
So take a moment each day, 45 to 60 seconds just to breathe. Just to feel your body, scan and see where you’re storing your stress.
Focus on breathing and it will help with your stress.
I store mine right at the base of my neck and on my shoulders, and just thinking of breathing into that place of my body helps to reduce my stress.
So take a moment each day to be present, to scan your body, and to just breathe. Just focus on breathing and it will help with your stress. It will help with your mental health.
If you want to hear more from me, you can check out my podcast, The Savvy Working Mom, anywhere podcasts are available!