You’re superheroes, juggling countless responsibilities both at home and in the workplace. But when it comes to your career, how can you supercharge it and take it to the next level?
Let’s talk about ONE game-changing tip that will help you get ahead and achieve your career goals:
Figure out what your boss’s problems are.
Figure out what your boss’s problems are because at the end of the day, your boss’s problems are gonna be your problems.
Do you know what your boss is stressing about? If you don’t, go and ask them. Look around and see what it is they’re worrying about and what’s taking most of their time.
When you know your boss’s problems, you know where you can help, whether that’s directly by solving that problem or by freeing their plate so they can focus.
Helping with your boss’s problems will also help you because, at the end of the day, your boss’s problems are gonna be your problems.
You will also be known as the person who can support them and who has the initiative to act even without prompting.
How to get ahead of your career.
Take action.
If I ask you right now what your boss is stressing about, do you have an answer? If not, take action and find out.
Be the superstar that you are and shine.If you want to hear more from me, you can check out my podcast, The Savvy Working Mom, anywhere podcasts are available!