Hi! I’m Whitnee AKA Rose Gold Mama. Just like you I’ve got a lot going on. I’m a blogger, candle maker, breadwinning wife, busy mama, technology director (yes, I work in corporate), avid traveler, daughter, sister and friend. I’ve got a lot of interests too. I love to make cocktails, cook, hike, watch movies and create. 

My mission here at RGM is to help you take care of you and live a life you love filled with bliss and happiness.

I like to call living the life you want, living a rose gold life. It’s living a life filled with joy and bliss. It’s about finding the balance between moderation and decadence. It’s knowing that when you take care of you, you are better to those around you.

This site is meant to be a refuge for all working moms. We’ll talk about mom-ing, career advice, travel, self-care and cocktails and anything else you’d like! If there’s a topic that you want to talk more about email me: [email protected]

If you’d like to get social. Follow me @therosegoldmama on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.