When I was little, there was something that my grandma, GG, used to always tell me. She used to say, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Meaning if you don’t have a plan, you’re never going to get what you want.
But what happens when you have a plan, and the plan falls apart? Think about it. As mamas, life comes at us left and right, always throwing us curve balls and handing us baskets of lemons. Things rarely go as planned, especially if, like me, you’re a mom of littles. You might intend to sleep through the night, and the infant wakes up at 2:00 am and won’t go back to sleep. You might plan to get out of the door by 1:00 pm on a Saturday, but the toddler is insistent that he is going to dress himself, and it takes over 45 minutes. If you’re a working mom like me, you might plan to sit down and have dinner with your family, and then you get an urgent work call at 6:15 pm. There is always something going on and something that is throwing a monkey wrench into your plans.

So I want to share with you my number one tip for dealing with those left and right curve balls that come at you when you’re a busy working mom. This is the tip that will help you succeed no matter what happens with your plans, no matter how blown up they get.
Hold on to your chair and open your ears! The way you continue to succeed no matter what happens is to remain consistent. That’s right. You keep going. Consistency is the key to success. Show up every day. Do your best every day. Commit to being excellent, but more importantly, commit to showing up consistently. If you consistently show up and do your best, you will ultimately accomplish the goals you are working hard to achieve. It may take longer than you want, but you will get there!

Of course, in other blog posts, I definitely share ways to speed things up by finding support, removing steps, and using my 10-minute reboot method. But even without those, you will still get what you want as long as you are consistent. So, mama, be consistent! Whatever it is you want, don’t give up! Just keep going!

Take Action
A plan is nothing without action. So I want you to take a moment right now and think about where you can be more consistent in your life. Where can you show up more regularly and more often to achieve the goals that you want?
Now that you’ve thought about that moment take an action that proves the consistency. Write down where you can be more consistent and the step you will take, then take it!
For more tips on planning check out, If You Aren’t Planning Like This…You’re Missing Out.
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Let’s makeover your routine at How To Get Unstuck.